Sun is the only living witness of all time
everything behind us are traces
yesterday is bounded with time
it is past
it is experience
the good and the bad
history is the story of the past
we all write history
history is the history of wars
war was invented by cannibals
the past has two faces
the shame and the pride
let's be happy we're alive
just here and now
nothing will ever happen again
live today to the fullest
and let's dream
and let's love
the future
circle of nature
the Earth is place, space is time
Pierre-Auguste Renoir: Le Chapeau Epingle 1898
Marilyn Minter: Untitled 1990
Haegue Yang: Face outside of the mirror
2010 Seoul, Korea
vreme vremenom prodje
sunce je jedini zivi svedok svih vremena
sve iza nas su tragovi
juce je omedjeno vremenom
ono je proslo
ono je iskustvo
dobro i lose
istorija je prica o proslosti
svi mi pisemo istoriju
istorija je istorija ratova
rat su izmislili ljudozderi
proslost ima dva lica
stid i ponos
budimo srecni sto smo zivi
bas sada i ovde
nista se nece ponoviti
danas disimo punim plucima
i sanjajmo
i volimo
kruzenje u prirodi
zemlja je mesto a svemir vreme