26. svi 2010.

o5 o umetnosti


Is complete when it is human
It is human once the looped pigments
the pinheads of light
under their deft restrictions convince
as the index of a possible passion
as the adequate gauge
both of the passion and its object
The artist lies for the improvement of trut
Belive him!

Charles Tomlinson:
A Meditation on John Constablej

**Robert Capa:
***Pablo Picasso and Françoise Gilot 1948


je potpuna kad je ljudska
ljudska je kad obruseni pigment
iglice svetlosti
obezbedjujuci prostor unutar svojih ogranicenja
ubedjuju kao pokazatelji moguce strasti
kao odgovarajuce merilo
i strasti i njenog predmeta
umetnik laze da bi popravio istinu
verujte mu

Čarls Tomlinson:
Razmisljanja o Dzonu Konstablu