25. pro 2010.

još 7 dana

Ljubavni slučaj ili tragedija službenice PTT 1967
Režija: Dušana Makavejeva.
Svrstava se u kategoriju filmova crnog talasa. Obiluje metaforama i asocijacijama na društvo koje je samo naizgled zdravo, zbog čega je bio u nemilosti tadašnje vlasti. Stekao je veliku popularnost u zemlji i svetu. Ostala je čuvena scena sa nagom Evom Ras i crnom mačkom.
U filmu igraju: Eva Ras, Slobodan Aligrudić, Ružica Sokić...
Sex, crime, science, art, nationalist politics--these all return in some form in Makavejev's 1967 feature, Love Affair, or the Case of the Missing Switchboard Operator. Once again working with a mish-mash of documentary footage and fictional narrative, Makavejev establishes an alternating formalist structure for the film. It opens with a real-life sexologist, Dr. Aleksandar Kostić, lecturing about man's fundamental needs before introducing us to Izabela (Eva Ras) and her friend (Ruzica Sokić), two switchboard operators out on the prowl for a good time. They meet a Turkish man named Ahmed (Slobodan Aligrudić), a sanitation expert, who takes Izabela home. So begins a long, loving relationship, both tender and sensual, which plays out while trading off with more educational interludes, all of which connect to the main narrative in some way. Izabela playing patriotic music is followed by footage of a real political rally, or a scene of her baking leads to a lecture about the physiology of chicken eggs. (The close-ups of Eva Ras breaking an egg into flour are later echoed in WR.)